Duplicated / Invalid Billing Emails / Unpaid Invoices / UK16 (Gelöst)
  • Priorität - Mittel
  • Betreffend Anderes - Billing Emails

    A number of customers have reported unexpected invoices, or threats of suspension when they've already paid. - 22/9/2023


    We are investigating whether this is a sophisticated phishing scam or something else. - 22/9/2023

    We have now seen emails and checked server logs and invoice numbers and they are not generated by our billing system yet appear too sophisticated to be phishing scam and have no redirected links or requests for payment. Investigating further - 23/9/2023

    Security phrases added to the bottom of our trusted emails to distinguish from the invalid ones whilst we investigate further. - 24/9/2023


    Having more closely inspected some of the emails it has become clear they are generated by an old version of our billing system which is still running on our old server UK16 which was recently decommissioned but not completely shutdown. Server now shutdown thus hopefully no more emails will be sent. Marking resolved. - 1/10/2023

  • Datum - 22/09/2023 09:26 - 01/10/2023 10:10
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert - 01/10/2023 10:27